Booty Perfect wants you to be completely satisfied with your experience so we have made returning or exchanging products easy. You are backed by a 90 Money-Back Guarantee.

If at any time, within 90 days of your most recent order, if you are dissatisfied with the product, contact our customer service team using our contact form at to request your refund. Product refunds are limited to the most recent purchase and are limited to a maximum of the purchase price of your most recent shipment.

Remaining product must be shipped to the following address:

Meliorra LLC
ATTN: Refunds
5136 W Clifton Street,
Tampa, FL 33634, United States

All refunds are processed upon receipt of unused product. Please include your full name and order number with all refund requests. Wholesale orders are not eligible for the money back guarantee.

Your Money-Back Guarantee

Try Booty Perfect® for 90 days. If you're not completely satisfied simply return the bottles, even if empty. (less s&h)